Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Significance of Sino-Russian Military Exercises

Between the dates of August 18-25, 2005, Russia and China participated in their first ever bilateral war games, dubbed Peace Mission 2005. The games were symbolic of the growing cooperation between the two powerful states. Since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, which led to an increasingly influential role for Washington in Central Asia, Moscow and Beijing have drawn together under the common interest of preventing further U.S. influence in the region.

Read full post at Inter Press Network: The Significance of Sino-Russian Military Exercises, September 15, 2005, by Erich Marquardt, Yevgeny Bendersky.

Sino-African Relations and Tibet

Africa is in the grip of the Red Dragon? Note this excerpt from Times of Tibet on Sino-African Relations and Tibet by Admin Dorjee, 4 October 2005:

Tibetans will soon witness the march into their country by South African companies assisting and collaborating with the Chinese government to further marginalise the indigenous people. This scenario was alluded to by China's ambassador to South Africa, Mr. Liu Guijin, when in February, 2005 he stated "The Chinese government welcomes and encourages investment and participation in the development of the Western [i.e. Tibet] region." For China, Africa is a continent ripe for exploitation and economic colonisation, and a very useful ally in muffling the Tibetan freedom movement.

So, as the 7th October arrives - and with it the 55th year of the PRCs illegal occupation of the sovereign nation of Tibet - the Tibetans enjoy only toothless support from the West, with much palm-pressing at cultural fora and inter-faith gatherings, but no speeches of outrage or diplomatic mobilisation in the arenas of secular power. The impoverished, voiceless and supplicating Tibetans will have to face the reality that the entire continent of Africa is in the grip of the Red Dragon, ready to be exploited, manipulated and wielded as a powerful tool against the people of Tibet and their rights to self-determination. Soon, the PRCs economic, cultural, spiritual and environmental programme of genocide in Tibet will be complete, and the retrospective shame of the global community will be too little, too late.

Friday, September 30, 2005

China's leaders launch new attack on internet free speech

The Blog Herald says Chinese bloggers are about to face another wave of Government sanctions and harassment, with an announcement by the Chinese Government of a new crackdown against news on the internet deemed "not in the national interest."

Also, The Blog Herald points to a Sep 26 Guardian article by Benjamin Joffe-Walt in Shanghai saying:
The announcement from the Chinese Government called for blogs and personal web pages to "be directed towards serving the people and socialism and insist on correct guidance of public opinion for maintaining national and public interests".
In addition to above links - with thanks to Australian blogger Pip Wilson at Yellow Pages - is this list from Reporters Without Borders:

The 11 subjects forbidden to Chinese bloggers:

"Bloggers are banned from putting out news that:

- violates the basic principles of the Chinese constitution:
- endangers national security, leaks national secrets, seeks to overthrow the government, endangers the unification of the country;
- destroys the country's reputation and benefits;
- arouses national feelings of hatred, racism, and endangers racial unification;
- violates national policies on religion, promotes the propaganda of sects and superstition;
- diffuses rumours, endangers public order and creates social uncertainty;
- diffuses information that is pornographic, violent, terrorist or linked to gambling;
- libels or harms people's reputation, violates people's legal rights;
- includes illegal information bounded by law and administrative rules.

and the final two dictates that:
- It is forbidden to encourage illegal gatherings, strikes, etc to create public disorder;
- It is forbidden to organise activities under illegal social associations or organisations.

"Blogs that break these new rules will be shut down and those running them will have to pay a fine that could reach 30,000 yuans (aprox $3,500 USD)."
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UPDATE Sep 30: See Global Voices Sep 30 - Chinese Bloggers on the New Internet Regulation.


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Movie review of Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion is an extraordinary documentary about the near-destruction of an enlightened 1,700 year old culture, the incredible suffering of a violated people, and the spiritual survival of hope in the hearts of those who believe that one day they will be able to re-taste the joys of freedom.

The film is bound to stir your conscience, appeal to your yearning for justice, and inspire you to do all you can to advance the cause of the Tibetan people.

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Photo: A fresco of Buddha defaced by a bullet hole at temple ruins in central Tibet

Director and cinematographer Tom Peosay spent ten years on this vast and substantive project shot on "the rooftop of the world."

Interviews provide both historical and contemporary perspectives on the situation in Tibet, including commentaries by:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama;
Lhasang Tserling, founder of the Amnye Machen Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies;
Robert Thurman, Director of Tibet House in New York City;
John Avedon, author of In Exile from the Land of Snows;
Stephen Batchelor, Buddhist scholar and author;
Robert Ford, author of Wind Between the Worlds and one of the few westerners to have lived in pre-Chinese Tibet;
Blake Kerr, author of Sky Burial: An Eyewitness Account of China's Brutal Crackdown in Tibet;
Drew Liu, Executive Director of the China Strategic Institute in Washington, D.C;
and many others.

The following review of Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion, is authored by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat.

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Photo: A Khamba rider at a horseback riding festival in Eastern Tibet

Some remarkable scenes draw out our compassion for the Tibetan people and their ongoing ordeals under Chinese Communist oppression since the so-called "peaceful liberation" of the country in 1949.

Pre-occupation Tibet was a Buddhist theocracy, a country that invested 85% of its national budget to support monastic universities where monks and nuns studied the nature of the mind. That would be the equivalent, notes Robert Thurman, of the entire U.S. defence budget going into education so as to produce "enlightened people." Because the monasteries also controlled the land, when the Chinese invaded, the religious establishment was targeted for destruction.

The opening sequence uses rare archival and undercover footage to cover the Lhasa demonstrations of 1987 during which the monk Jampa Tenzinm was severely burned while rescuing some of his peers from a burning police station where they were being detained. He was hailed as a hero for his courage and witness at the time, but he was eventually arrested by the Chinese, tortured, and killed.

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Photo: Jampa Tenzin after rescuing demonstrations from a burning police station during a demonstration against Chinese rule in 1987 (Ackerly/ICT)

Then there is the little known story of the CIA's support of the Tibetan resistance movement, which is told by activists who were trained by in the United States but later were abandoned when the world's democratic leader set up trade relations with China and downplayed human rights violations in both Tibet and China. Once again economic priorities defined American interest.

Two survivors of years of imprisonment and torture by the Chinese share their stories. One is Ani Pachen, the daughter of a chieftan in eastern Tibet who recalls fondly her childhood in pre-occupation Tibet. She took vows as a nun but after her father's death led his forces against the Chinese. She spent 21 years in prison and was only one of four survivors of 100 women in her prison. She shows a quilt she has stitched together out of pieces of their clothing.

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Photo: A demonstration by a Chinese Army unit at a Tibetan festival

Equally mesmerising is the account of Palden Gyatso, a monk who was captured in a crackdown after the Dalai Lama escaped; he spent 33 years in a series of prisons, labor camps, and various forms of house arrest. After enduring years of brutal torture, including the use electric cattle prods in his mouth, this monk fled to India. He has testified before the U.S. Congress and the U.N. Commission on Human Rights.

Still, to date, the United Nations has done nothing to challenge China's illegal and immoral occupation of Tibet.

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Photo: Tibetan monks parade past Chinese soldiers at a festival in central Tibet

Of course, the Dalai Lama remains the most persuasive spokesperson for the plight of his people. Again and again, he emphasises that he holds no hatred in his heart for the Chinese oppressors, and in fact, sees them as teachers who spur him to the spiritual practice of compassion.

The Dalai Lama's "Five Point Peace Plan" has been well received by devotees of nonviolence. Tibet is strategically located between the two most populous countries in the world, China and India, so his proposal that the area become a demilitarized "Zone of Peace" seems both creative and sound.

But although the Chinese have rebuilt several monasteries — after destroying 1,600 of them — they are still trying to obliterate any memory of the Dalai Lama: it is a major offence in Tibet today to possess a picture of him. And as a Chinese government spokesperson at the Washington, D.C., Embassy of the People's Republic of China puts it: "It is totally unacceptable to the Chinese government for officials of any country to meet him in any form."

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Photo: The Dalai Lama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989

China's latest method of stamping out Tibetan religion and culture is the construction of a railroad that will accelerate populating the area with ethnic Chinese. The documentary reveals how these new immigrants have already changed the face of Lhasa with large apartment complexes, brothels, and Western chain stores.

The Chinese policy of colonization and assimilation looks very similar to what officials and politicians did to the Native Americans in the United States and the aboriginals in Australia. As this documentary points out, many Tibetans now live in poverty and are unemployed. With their religion and culture under attack, they have little to cling to except hope that one day they will be free to determine their own future.

We were moved, shocked, appalled, and emboldened by Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion.

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Photo: A group of exiled Tibetan monks at a candlelight vigil in Dharamsala, India

The tradition of nonviolence, optimism, mind training, and compassion that has been nurtured in Tibetan monasteries for centuries is one of the great religious legacies to the world where violence, nationalism, political oppression, human rights violations, and corporate greed hold sway.

The bodhissatva spirit incarnated by the Dalai Lama and so many Tibetan monks is a path that can end the suffering of human beings and quash the fires of hatred. Robert Thurman has called the Tibetan Buddhists "the supreme artists of life," and they are spreading their dharma all over the face of the earth.

The documentary is written by Sue Peosay and Victoria Mudd, narrated by Martin Sheen and produced by Tom Peosay and Sue Peosay of Zambuling Pictures, and Maria Florio and Victoria Mudd of Earthworks Films.

Florio and Mudd won the Best Documentary Feature Academy Award in 1986 for their film Broken Rainbow, which exposed the shameful forced relocation of Navajo Indians off their land in the 1970s.

They hope that, just as their previous film raised the awareness and compassion of Americans toward the plight of the Native Americans, this film will raise the concerns of Chinese about the actions of their government.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The future of public radio in the age of podcasting: Anybody can create their own public radio online

Note Rebecca MacKinnon's post linking to a live webcast from Harvard's Berkman Center today, May 17, 2005.

Jake Shapiro of the Public Radio Exchange will talk about the future of public radio in the age of podcasting, which enables anybody to create their own public radio online.
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Open Source. It'll be a radio show. May 30, 2005

Here is a don't miss, must-do: listen to Open Source's pilot on podcasting and bloggers without borders. Hear phone interviews and discussions with Rebecca and Ethan of Global Voices, and several other bloggers, hosted by smooth (and thankfully not-so-fast) talking American Christopher Lydon at Harvad's Berkman.

See Ethan's follow-up post "On hold with Chris Lydon".

Note also GlobalCoordinate.com Geo-Community. Click on the map to zoom in. You can add your own comments, stories, or photos at any location.
